Thursday, April 27, 2023


 Cut the grass today -- first time this year.  I figured now was the time, as it was long, and with the weekend of rain coming up... I also swept the garage and threw away a couple of things -- I really need to do more of that, actually, for a bunch of reasons, mainly for decluttering and such.  Anyways, the lawn is cut, and... I always get a kick out of those Thursday Night Mowing League people, as the last thing I want to do is cut the grass every week.   I mean, I can think about things, but that's about it, and the waste in time and carbon emissions... well, I could do without.

Watched "When Harry Met Sally" tonight, thanx to the wonders of Netflix (can't say that much longer, can I?).  I liked it; not terribly, but enough; it's cute and sort of funny.  There is something about those 80s rom-coms... I think part of it is that they really can't be made anymore, as dating has changed so much.  Things are so different now, I think, so there is no way to recreate them now.  Equally importantly, we are now up to 814 on the NFR.

White House regroups after McCarthy’s debt ceiling success - POLITICO

This could be me, but if they were really surprised that it passed... isn't that on them?  I mean, at the very least, they should have had the plan ready to go if it passed.  The odds of it passing were, to me, at least 50/50, and I am not sure that that is something you just discount.  I suspect the GOP will cave (the hand is not that strong to begin with) but it does offer up something to the base, to say nothing of the fact that for all the hem-hawing about Kevin McCarthy (and I am responsible for this as much as anyone)... this is impressive.

Life after death: Texas abortion clinic set to become parenting center (

This is quite the heartwarming story!


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