Monday, June 19, 2023


 I have felt like crap all day.  Not sure why; could be a lack of sleep, too much heat and sun yesterday, not enough actual water, Democrats, all of the above.  Not only did I skip the gym today, but I even laid down after lunch and took a two-hour nap.  I think it helped, though, of course, I am now feeling it.  Yes, I made up the time after... I think I was one of the few people working today, of course.  Actually, Juneteenth is an awesome holiday, and considering it is one of Republican origin...well, we should definitely celebrate.  I am not saying we should go around and hit Democrats in the face with baseball bats, but... not that we need a reason to do, but today, given that we have one... ☺

How Republicans and Big Business Broke Up - WSJ

I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing; corporations are neither good nor bad, but when they -- like any other entity or person, ha -- pull crap, they deserve to be called out for it.  Quite frankly, I would think this is good politics, to call them out for social stands that might not be popular with the GOP base, excessive profits, that sort of thing.  Populism can win elections -- 2016 proved this, in part -- and I for one am pleased as punch that it is my party at the front of this.

The life and power of Casey DeSantis - The Washington Post

I read this twice, just because....well, one, it has garnered quite a bit of blowback in the right-leaning media, and also... well, what's the point?  Ambitious politician has an equally ambitious wife who he relies upon?  Casual observers of American politics should not exactly be surprised by this, and I find it hard to believe a WaPo reporter should be, either.  I think this is something that is...well, not exactly hurting the guy, all of these backdoor slams on him, his record, his wife...that sort of thing.  I don't know, but a young wife (and cancer survivor) with kids would be a tough target to hit during a campaign, and would actually draw sympathy -- and attention.  So, as I am fond of saying nowadays, long may it continue!


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