Monday, September 11, 2023


 No news on critters; this is probably good, though I am still in full lockdown mode.  I didn't get to do any cleaning -- busy with work -- but I will make some time tomorrow for it.  I did finish (tentatively) one project today, and have several more in the pipeline.  As with so many other things, it is good to be wanted.  Funny; I wanted to get out and run some errands; I guess those will have to wait until tomorrow.

I completed my VIRTUS training today -- mandated by the Diocese for insurance purposes, mainly, so I went as East District President/OC Co-Manager.  I could have gone online and taken it for $15, but instead I used the website and found that it was being offered today at St. Basil's, and I figured it was cheaper to go there -- even at $3.40 a gallon -- than online.  All I can say is that I am now registered and Downtown will be made aware.  The stuff was...well, as I mentioned in small group, to NOT mention in either of the training videos the fact that the reason why we were there was because THEIR staff (especially the Micks) couldn't keep it in their pants... and that they kept covering it up.  Oi.   But it is done, I have the certificate, and I assume it is done for a while...

I watched the "American Experience" episode on PBS today, the one about the reaction to forced busing in Boston.  It was...fascinating.  One, it seemed that everyone felt that busing was a bad idea -- no one wanted their kids sent away from home -- but no one seemed to figure out how to fix it.  Two, this was a long time problem that could have been solved anytime.  Three -- and I have said this before -- that only in Boston did they yell and scream; everywhere else people just left, and left behind crappy schools and a depressed tax base.  Oops.  Another thing:  At no time during the show did they mention that ALL of these people were Democrats; you would have thought that would have been of note; I mean, if a GOP crowd had done this... well, they were the new Klan.  But here, people were actually acting like the Klan, and... crickets.  


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