Conveyor Belt Sushi
Probably should have blogged yesterday, but it was the food coma, the reading, or the general napping. Yesterday started late; I woke up at 7 AM, took some insulin, went to the bathroom, and went back to bed... and woke up at 10. I needed the sleep, to be sure, but...anyways, it was nice, and then I caught up on some stuff around here before going to my aunt and uncle's for Turkey Day. It was quite nice -- just the four of us -- but we ate and talked and caught up and it was quite lovely. The food was good, the time was fun, and I got some leftovers. Then I came home and... chilled? Watched a little football, nodded off, and watched a couple of documentaries from the pile in my inbox (always needed). Of course I had trouble sleeping last night, which was a problem...
...because I got up at the buttcrack of dawn. There were some things at Giant Eagle I wanted to get -- 99 cent diet pop! Cheapish shrimp! -- and I indeed got some; it was funny... I went to the GE in Broadview and there was very little diet pop there, but after the gym I hit the one in Parma and there were piles of it; obviously, people in Parma are less concerned about their health (and teeth). I did do a gym double today, and got some reading done...which was good, as I needed both!
Favorite niece and I met for lunch at Watami in Seven Hills, the conveyor belt sushi place. It was... good! The set up is pretty cool; basically, it's a long counter, with some dividers at intervals, and there is basically a model train track that goes from the kitchen to the seats. Plates of various things -- sushi, sides, desserts, etc., pass by, as you can take them as they go by. You can also order various items (they have menus) if you wanted from the servers (who are fairly good). Those items are run out to you on a little machine that runs on a separate track; it comes to your table section and then you take the plate and send it back. Quite cool! Miss and I took a bunch of items (we had to look at the menu to make sure a few times) and the sushi was pretty good! It was about $20 a person -- not that bad -- and we were certainly full. Quality family time with favorite niece is always good, especially when we catch up on the family gossip...
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