Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 Funny; not a lot of people were in the office today but I managed to get a lot done (imagine that), even though they let us go at 3.  I mean, I still have much more to do -- lots of long-term projects -- but all I can do is plug away.  I went to the bank and Aldi on my lunch break, and I was surprised -- not as crowded as I thought it would be, and the lines moved quite quickly.  This is good!  The local Culver's was... well, doing a land office business at the drive-through.  This I found fascinating; all the eating tomorrow and people are pigging out today!

I watched a documentary today:  "MLK/FBI," which discusses the secret taping of MLK by the FBI; namely, they were looking for Communism and discovered his...extracurriculars.  Being the FBI, they sent copies of the sex tapes to him and his wife, which, as you can imagine, went over fabulously well.  Per the documentary, MLK sort of cooled off his activism for a bit, but then the war in Vietnam picked up, he started speaking up again... and then he was assassinated (while the FBI was monitoring him), and that was that.  The tapes are under seal til 2027 (for whatever reason) and of course the debate is what will happen then.  What was fascinating to me was the whole idea of the Reverend MLK having group adulterous sex -- repeatedly -- and no one seemed to think THAT was a problem.  I mean, neither in the moral sense or the fact that all of these extracurriculars might affect his public ministry... no one seemed to call him out (privately) on this.  That also seemed fascinating to me.  I am definitely hitting the gym tomorrow as to make sure I can live long enough for these files to be released.

One nice thing about tomorrow:  I have nothing to do aside from Turkey Day, so I can sleep in and NOT set the alarm.  No I will probably wake up at the crack of dawn, but it would be lovely if I could get an actual full night of sleep.


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