Thursday, January 18, 2024


 Here we are, hunkered down for another fun day of snow and meh.  To be sure, I am working from home tomorrow, have no place to go, and have no real weekend plans, so...  this is hardly a disaster, unless, of course, the contractors I have scheduled to come over and look at the bathroom can't make it.  I think we all know that I am quite patient until I decide it is time to act, and then it needs to happen now.  I know, this is not how the modern world works.  Alas.  One thing that did not work today was my computer, sort of; it had one of those auto-resets and half of my passwords don't register.  Sigh.  Tomorrow morning job one is dealing with that.  

Opinion: Why Trump’s base still adores him (
Largely correct!

Why Marriage Is Suddenly So Political - POLITICO
This is interesting; I think the article gets at the point that marriage is mostly better for children, but no one seems to be sure if it is because better people (more resources, more stable) are getting and staying married, or is that marriage more closely binds people together after the ceremony, if you will.  To borrow a phrase from my job, once we get the weighting on formula right, we'll be able to determine that.  :)  More seriously. both can be true, and, as the article notes, we can do more to get more people married.  I wonder if the overall decline in religious belief isn't playing a role here; we often talk joke about Catholics being trapped in marriage but plenty of Protestant sects also championed marriage as well.  Course, I am not married, and, as I like to say, no woman -- or man, nowadays -- is that stupid.

I saw Dennis Kucinich is running for Congress, and my first -- and perpetual thought -- has been "Man, that guy really is a cockroach."  I see he is not running as a Democrat, though for once I will not claim that the man has shown an increase in brainpower...


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