Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Another snowstorm coming?  Oi.  At least it appears that the worst will hit Friday, when I will be working from home and thus safely ensconced in it. I realize it is winter, and that it will be 40 next week, but it is unpleasant and annoying.  For all of the talk of global warming...

Funny; I was being lazy and trying to watch J! on the laptop, and when I went through all of the rigamarole (it is not too bad) to get it on... I was confronted with an emergency weather service warning about the snowstorm... after a series of lengthy commercials.  I was able to get the TV on and didn't miss an answer (if not the questions), but it was... incredibly annoying.  One would think that someone, somewhere, somehow, would enact legislation requiring the preemption of commercials and NOT actual programming...or better yet, allow people to decide whether or not they want these things.  I mean, save for a tornado warning...I could do without.

Is it me, or is the proposed age verification legislation for Internet porn...troubling?  Illegal?  I mean, this could be me, but I find it hard to believe that people will NOT find a way around it.  More seriously, I guess this is something Governor RINO-Mike can do to show off his conservative bona fides, but I would prefer something actually conservate, like regulating infanticide, executing criminals, etc.  Of course, GOP voters bear their share of this (albeit not I!).  No one seems to think about asking them what they think about this.

The Hidden World of Undersea Cables - by Brian Klaas (
This was pretty interesting; I had read some of this, of course, but not all at once, and some of it -- the centrality of Madagascar, of all places, to global communications, for instance -- was of interest.  Of course, given an age where satellites can be endangered by all sorts of things, a few extra cables might not be unwise.


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