Don't laugh, but I crashed last night, and slept in today... funny; I woke up at 7 this morning, and was like... I have nothing planned for today, so I should actually try and go back to sleep. I must have, as I woke up again at 9. I mean, I need to sleep, get rid of this nagging cold, etc., so it was probably good. If I can do it again tonight -- a big if as always -- it would be heavenly.
Yesterday I didn't go out and I have no plans to do so today...funny; I went out to shovel yesterday (early) and there were some light flurries, but it was warm and... I was like, what the hell? I had a couple of bathroom contractors over (adulting is not only hard but expensive) and they told similar tales. Then, about one, the snow spigot opened and it seemed to really come down. My driveway was plowed (I heard him, and it looks a deep ditch around the packed in snow!) and it looks ok now, but... there are things to do here. Hell, considering the numbers I heard yesterday, some contract work seems... more than appropriate. Two days of NOT going to the gym is NOT appropriate, and I expect an unpleasant scale reading -- and counter work on the bike -- as appropriate.
The New Geography of American Growth - by Joseph Politano (apricitas.io)
Interesting; Ohio seems somewhat anemic in comparison, and I couldn't help but notice right-to-work Indiana had much faster growth, not that we have Republicans running the state or anything like that.
What could future of Kent State, Akron and other MAC schools be in an NIL world? - cleveland.com
Also interesting. To me, it seems like he is saying that things will continue; five-star athletes will get five-star money at five-star schools, while the MAC and similar conferences will get two-and three-star guys by paying them three-star money. This seems...fair? It does seem that at the end of the day there are limited supplies of top athletes, and that some of them will have to filter down to schools where they can play more...and making less dough is part of the deal.
Finally finished The Science of Murder Thursday night, and now we are on to book 4; the next five or six on the pile are somewhat thick, which means progress will be slow, and already I sense my goal of reading MORE than 50 to be...in danger. In January. Sigh.
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