Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Bernie, Bernie

So, Bernie it is... it appears he has crossed the 50% profile, which I am a little surprised by.  Let us not doubt the influence of the Donald!  I guess maybe I am not that surprised; again, given the RINO perception of people like DeWine and Portman, I suspect that their endorsements probably hurt Dolan more than helped him.  Can he win the general?  I don't know; the primary was brutal, Sherrod has plenty of money, and he is the incumbent.  On the other hand...Ohio does lean a bit red; can the party come together and support him?  They should, of course...

Busy but good day (mostly); lots of meetings and such, several new assignments, and several research targets.  I just hope I have the time to complete them all... 

Watching the second half of the "Dante" special on PBS, and the story of how the last stanzas of the Paradiso were found...reminds me somewhat of the tablets of Moroni.  Not saying it didn't happen, but it seems a bit...fortuitous.  Of course, maybe it was finished and things were just...hidden.  Not that I wouldn't necessarily blame his sons for "assisting" with the completion...or maybe I am just more cynical and skeptical tonight.

The often silent and surprising history of devotion to Saint Joseph – Catholic World Report
Interesting; funny, I noted it was the Feast of St. Joseph this morning and then with work being what it was, I forgot it... until this evening.  I have always been fascinated by the iconography of the Saint, as if people figured out that this story of the Virgin Birth was a bit... skeptical, and hence we needed to make it plausible, by making him older and giving him a long and wonderful back story.  Considering the many "similarities" between Old and New Testament, maybe I am not giving our ancestors enough credit.


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