Medicaid Expansion Was Supposed to Pay for Itself, Instead Hospitals Are Closing – MishTalk
You would think the GOP would campaign on this more; one, because the rural hospital closures affect healthcare in those areas (and not that we need more votes from there but of course we do), but also because this is something that goes against the "if you like your healthcare you can keep it and save $2,500 a year" plan that has yet to occur. Indeed, we are now paying more to support Medicaid expansion. Again, one way around this would be for some GOP governor to put a tax on Obamacare plan holders to support rural healthcare; I realize it might be unpopular for some, but if the Supreme Court has said it is a tax...well, Democrats like to pay taxes, don't they? I think it would be funny as hell, actually, if someone forced a Dem to explain that a closed hospital is NOT keeping your healthcare.
In the meantime, plenty of exciting hoops action tonight; the SoCon was entertaining, the Sun Belt game provided everyone to come up with reasons why Appalachian State is not Tournament-worthy (their RPI is a bit low, but certainly the committee knows that good mid-majors can't get people to play them, right?), and the Vikings came up just short in the Horizon League tourney. Funny; they were the early game in the tourney, whereas the late game -- which did NOT feature the #1 seed -- got the ESPN2 treatment. Odd. You would think these people could manipulate the schedules to get the best teams on the best TV channel, but... no.
Interesting day of work; I always joke about the morning strafe, but I sort of had one today, and projects kept coming in...this is good, to be sure, but it was certainly different. I intend to complete them all tomorrow, God-willing, but just to do some research and investigation was... a pleasant reminder of my first career and how much better things are now. It was also a less pleasant reminder that the vacuum cleaner -- inherited from Mom -- is beyond saving and needs replacement. I can assure you I do not want to do so (for myriad reasons) but as adulting is hard... it will have to go. Such is life.
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