Leap Day! Very exciting, I guess. Actually, it was; we had Employee Appreciation Day at work, and I snarfed a cookie. I note this because this is the first time I have ever experienced this in my working life... so I was somewhat pleased.
My sister and I met for our monthly dinner -- getting it in just in time -- and I selected Lotus Thai House in Seven Hills... and it was quite good. Bit of a kick at the end, but we liked both of our dishes and Michelle even took something home for my brother-in-law. I would definitely go back. My sister and I both noted that for every diner in the restaurant there were FOUR Doordash/Uber Eats orders. This is fine -- good for them, actually -- but as we noted, those things are pricey. Indeed, I have never used this service for that reason...and the fact that I like to get a full sense of a place by eating inside.
I have decided -- reluctantly -- to look for more bathroom contractors and see what we can find. sister, of course, chided me for being unreasonable that I would get this thing scheduled in a month or so. Oi. I feel like a curmudgeon and haven't actually done anything, as I like to say. Alas. I guess I could ask the one contractor I liked if they could do ALL of the work and buying...
Getting to work this morning was an absolute catastrophe. The crashes on the innerbuilt bridge on the East Side (of course) clogged up the highways I normally take, so... well, no big deal; I can swing West on 480 to Clague, take that to 90, and then complete my commute. Ha! First of all, lots of other people had the same idea I did (mainly, as one guy at the gym said during the last snowstorm, fugly chicks with Biden stickers who drive slowly in the left lane; I need to tell him how right he is next time I see him), so not only was that road more full, it was also clogged, as said fat chicks were going 20 miles under the speed limit. Once on Clague... it was closed at Lorain, so I drifted west on that road for a few miles until I hit Stearns (which becomes Crocker), and aside from the efforts of said fugly chicks to clog up that road, I eventually found my way back to 90, but it added a full 30 minutes or so to my drive, to say nothing of wanting to pull out every hair on my head. As always, I thought "dad would be proud," as I was able to find my way from point A to point B using common sense and NOT asking for directions/using my phone...
Is it me, or are we (well, not we) missing something? Namely, of course Hunter Biden is going to swear he is completely innocent of everything. That is what criminals do, and why he should be given the benefit of the doubt is mystifying to me, given that he is a recovering (ha!) addict -- a group of people not exactly known for trustworthy behavior -- and is under indictment for the various crimes he admitted to in his autobiography? I am not exactly surprised that no one in the press is mentioning this, but I am a bit perturbed that no GOPer is calling out the press and the Dems for this. Odd.
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