I am still more than a bit bemused over the court-storming debate going on. First, of course, is that if Kyle Filipowski was run into intentionally (and I am not sure that that is the case), said fans should be drawn and quartered. Second... no one likes losing, but I suspect that if Duke had played better -- especially down the stretch in the second half -- and won the game, this is moot. No loss, no court storm. etc. I do not like the idea of getting rid of court-storming; in a world where fun is increasingly becoming few and far between... why deprive fans of celebrating a win?
Speaking of downers, I finally took down the Xmas stuff and the tree today. Not sure why, but I do not like it -- put me in a down mood for much of the day. Christmas is over, for one... two, I didn't celebrate it enough. Three, of course, is that I do miss the joy and the pretty-ness of the season, and having all the decorations and a tree up reminds me of that. Took me a while to get here -- how many years did I not have it up -- and I feel badly about that, especially as Mom loved Christmas, and it sort of reminds me of how I am a failure of a son. Taking the tree to the compost pile -- something that brings such joy and happiness is NOT garbage but deserves a chance to become something else green again -- was also sad, but... It is a new season, with Lent here and Easter coming, and that sense of rebirth for that.
Solar storms, ice cores and nuns’ teeth: the new science of history | Science | The Guardian
Interesting! I love stuff like this, as we should never eschew a chance to broaden our knowledge of the past.
Who Should Regulate Online Speech? | David Cole | The New York Review of Books (
Dare I say that maybe no one regulates the Internet? I guess I would prefer a system where people are free to post content -- offensive or not -- as they see fit, with little government intervention...
"Far From Heaven" was on TCM this afternoon and I had that on... it was interesting. I would NOT say good; for all of the fawning that the TCM host made about it, I think it is the movie Hollywood makes when it wants to preach about racism -- well-meaning intentions are good enough. I mean, could anyone say that anyone was better off at the end of the film? I don't think you can...
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