Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, and if there was one thing I learned, it is that you do NOT read the Penitential Rite usually said at the start of Mass. I would think you would -- extra forgiveness in the Major Penitential Season is a good thing -- but I guess it is superfluous on Ash Wednesday. It was a long day yesterday, as I went to early Mass (we are NOT Hope and Changers) and then decided to treat myself to the Neck Deep concert at the Agora. On the one hand, with parking and ticket and fees it is sort of steep... on the other, one got to see four bands, I so rarely treat myself (though I did get a lobster sub from Jimmy John's, quite good), and why not?
Well, one reason is that it really kicked my ass. Maybe I am getting old (I feel like Jane Scott sometimes as it is) but between the crowdsurfers and the jam circle... I was a bit sore at the end of it. Let's just say that many who crowd surf should not, if you get my drift. The third band -- Drain -- had quite a boisterous following; the jam circle was like being in a prison riot, not that I had that on my bucket list. This would be fine, but I just wanted to watch a few bands and listen to music. Oi. Plus, I got home late (I did treat myself to a fourth meal of snacks as I was up after midnight, prolly all sorts of moral sins!) and by the time I went to bed, it was one.
Of course, this morning, I woke up early, and felt it throughout the day. Work was not exactly fun -- a mix of fits and starts -- and thus when I came home I was... well, feeling it. Blowing an easy final J! didn't help, either. Watching South Carolina-Lady Vols and Caitlin Clark did boost my feminist credentials but has not exactly ended my malaise, so off to bed soon! Funny; I did do some SVDP stuff -- follow-ups, emails, and such -- so it was not a total loss but on the whole I have felt this day was one of endurance and not achievement. Alas. Maybe with a semi-decent night of sleep, an early workout, and a refreshed sense of purpose...
One thing of amusement: got a text from the famed Brandy today; I didn't want to inquire if she wanted anything (well, meeting for drinks, which I assumed would lead into a $100 dinner) so I instead just didn't open the message... I will account for it as "early to bed" and leave it at that. Do I respond? I guess I thought that ship had sailed (insert feelings here) and having her pop back into my life now of all times hardly seems... well, something to embrace.
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