Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Backward and forward thinking

 Odd; worked late today, skipped the gym (low blood sugar, oi) and then came home, where I did everything but what I had wanted to do.  To be sure, stuff got done -- dishes, swept, dusted, evening prayer, boiled eggs -- but now of course stuff will have to be put off until tomorrow.  I guess this is largely fine, but... one has a busy week and weekend, and some level of juggling will be required.  As we say, adulting is hard.  At least I got a bid from a contractor -- bit on the high side, but very comprehensive, and I did feel comfortable (mostly) with them.  A few more torpedoes are in the water, so we have time, and I will probably check with the bank to see if I can afford it (Ha!), but... one way or another, a decision will be made.

Tucker Carlson Says He Is Interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin - WSJ
This is...interesting.  Now, it would be cool if he asked him actual questions, like why does he call them Nazis when he is engaging in the behavior itself, or how many Russians is he trying to kill.  I don't think for a minute he will, though, so what is the end game?  Not sure he needs more of the moonbat type of the GOP on his side.

Dominion is still interesting but has sort of gone off the theological rails, having hit Voltaire, the French Revolution, and the Marquis de Sade in quick and irreligious succession.  I think he has morphed from Biblical truth to human truth, which are similar but not quite the same, and even as he tries to link the two traditions, it is not exactly working...

It is now a week til Fat Tuesday, which means.... I need to figure out where I am going for my paczki.  There are many good choices, of course, but I do prefer the actual Polish ones.  Of course, the new Matt schedule might not permit this, so now I had better plot out Plan B...


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