Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Catching Up

 So... I had a friend stay with me this weekend -- a mini-vacation for him, to clear his mind, get away from home (Houston), etc... it was mostly fine and fun; we did dinner at the conveyor belt sushi place, he slept quite a bit, we talked about his problems (I scrupulously avoided mine), and I think it was fine.  That said... my friend is a bit...clingy?  I mean, I needed to entertain him, or at least engage him, quite a bit.  I had food pantry duty this weekend (a zoo; I co-manage next month and it will NOT be such!) and he politely declined the opportunity to join me (ditto for Mass).  I did some adulting for a couple of hours each day to write emails and do SVDP stuff, but...  the rest was Steve time.  Again, this was fine, but there was little time for Matt stuff.  I asked a few friends how they handled stuff with kids, families, etc.; the overwhelming consensus, of course, was that they didn't!  Or, more appropriately, if I had a wife kids, etc., I would not have the time or "opportunity" to do all of the other things I do!  And yes, I could do less, but I am just not the type of person to sit around and ruminate, watch TV, etc., so at the end of the day, while I might do fewer of other things... I would still be active.  Maybe because I do three hundred things I do not need to take weekends off to mull mid-life crises?!

One other downside of this weekend of fun was that my cold seems to be back; more sniffles, frigidity, and my stomach is rumbly.  I don't want to say that I was healthy, but I was definitely feeling better.  Now I feel I am back to square one, and it is not fun.  I had planned on going to bed early yesterday, but Duke was on, and -- after the screaming catastrophe of Saturday (my friend was amused that I thought every call went against Duke, at Cameron, no less) -- Duke played...well, perhaps the best hoops they have played all year, and at a time when it was most needed -- a challenging road game against Virginia Tech -- it was glorious.  

I think I am getting older, and I can tell by the fact that I did some extra squats (as part of a gym double) yesterday, and today I am literally feeling it in my calves; I could barely get up this morning, and I have felt sore much of the rest of the day.  At least this soreness meant that I have spent much of the evening at my table, catching up on stuff and doing most of what was neglected this weekend.  I would not exactly say that I am caught up but adulting is hard, as we like to say around here.

Opinion | The DeSantis Team Ran the Worst Campaign in History - POLITICO
Sad but true...

Efforts to memorialize lynching victims divide American communities (msn.com)
This could be me, but wouldn't one way around this issue be that you just say "Democrats" as to who did the lynching and all?  I realize, of course, that Democrats would object, but it would be actually and factually true, and for them to deny their history would be...exceedingly rich.


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