Monday, March 04, 2024

Catching Up

 I guess I didn't post yesterday... no reason, save for the fact that I was doing stuff, sort of; worked on my contract gig, watched "Bar Rescue," caught up on the archived J! episodes, and watched "Bamboozled," one of the latest entries in the National Film Registry.  It is a Spike Lee film about... the return of a minstrel show.  Yes, indeed.  It was funny... at times.  I think I see what he is doing, but I really think his films tend to hit where they were supposed to miss and vice versa.  And it was a bit long.  Anyways, 829!  Yes, I do need to start ordering and watching the new releases.  Actually, I just ordered one now, which is the best way to force me to do it... not that I mind.

I realize that this is the TOC (I think I prefer the old format with wild cards, but so be it) and the last couple of games the categories were not my favorites, but... I didn't hit 40 Thursday or Friday, and I barely got 41 today.  Never mind that a Celebrity J! winner won today, which fueled my suspicion that these were easier.  (I also had to google who Ike Barenholz was, no surprise.)  I know I am older, and I know I lose a couple by forgetting the category, but it is depressing.

The Supremes made their big ruling on the Donald today, and it was a 9-0 sweep.  No surprise, though -- and I hate to sound like an MSNBCer -- I think those on the left had a point that the Court punted by not ruling as to whether or not Trump committed insurrection.  I can see why they did not -- I listened to the orals, and I they were rightfully skeptical of the idea that states could willy-nilly decide this -- but it would have been interesting to see what they would have done.  I guess -- as a Civil War guy -- that I do not see insurrection; more of a riot that should  have been properly handled by law enforcement. But I would have loved to see Thomas and Alito duke it out with Sonia... the other issue, of course, is that a partisan split would be equally bad, so... yes, run the draw on 3rd and 17 and go home.

Very solid win for the Blue Devils tonight.  (Yes, aren't they all, but I digress.)  I thought they were going to be run out of the building, but they rallied and took control in the second half.  NC State is barely an NIT team (though with the new format, every power conference team can be one!) but they are a rival, it was senior night, it was Duke... and they won by double digits.  It don't really think it moves them off a 4 line, but a win Saturday could put them on a 2, which I would... prefer.


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