Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Just What I Needed

 I watched the Trump presser today with the NABJ, and.... wow.  I mean, I bet he thinks he did well, but... whoa.  Train wreck, and I love train wrecks.  Funny thing is, he could have...well, maintained decorum and had an informative interview that maybe didn't really change minds but still made points.  I know it is not his style, but...  oi.  

Had my last staff meeting at work today; people were fairly nice, they said they will miss, and honestly, I will miss them.  Tomorrow I have much to do; most of the stuff I am working on has been saved, archived, and left with instructions (such as templates).  I am not exactly sure what else to do, that and finish up some projects.  It is an odd feeling; not like when I left Freedonia, as there was...well, palpable relief, but here... I will miss the crew.

After work I went to my sister's to get tables and chairs for the big fest.  I had to get them out of the basement and then out of the house; I need the exercise, but...anyways, just when I had finished putting the last chair in the truck bed, I closed the door, or at least tried to.  Instead, the tailgate broke; not sure how, but I could not get the thing closed; it's not catching on the latch.  Oi.  My sister had some rope and bungees, and I was able to tie the door closed, which I supplemented with some tape.  Oi.  It took about 30 extra minutes to secure everything, and then I was a bit nervous driving home, though honestly, the weight probably kept everything secure.  Then it was home to empty the truck bed, take the chairs and tables inside, and wash them. They are done and set up in the living room, but after everything...well, more work was NOT done.  Oi.

School taught JD Vance to see a divided nation — and to use that division (
Is it me, or is this a nothing story?  Or, man tries to navigate a world where everyone looks down on him, and this is turn affects his worldview?  Oi.

New Catholic trade school aims for debt-free alternative to college (
Interesting!  I like the approach!


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