Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I weighed myself Sunday and was 179 pounds, so in consequence it has been three days of small meals and intensive workouts.  The problem was Saturday...I kept having low blood sugar all day, and kept eating.  I finally had a Quarter Pounder, and then Sunday I was high...then low...then high.  Monday, same.  Argh.  I know this sometimes happens with diabetes, but...it is MOST annoying.  To say nothing of the fatness, just the diabetes control.  I worked out hard -- hard -- today, just to get control of the thing.  Also, I need to get into shape, moreso, if you will, if and WHEN I start a dedicated (think Paul Ryan) exercise program.

On baseballprospectus there was a note about Jason Knapp, one of the key parts of the Lee trade...he is back in uniform, throwing again, in the minors...may have a shot, as he found his old coach, worked on some things...the trade looks worse and worse, and all the guys who made still have their jobs, which is ridiculous...but you'd think the Tribe would have thought of this and kept him around. 


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