Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Social Justice

I think we see this around here; I mean, there is of course the obvious issue with Linndale, but you could easily look at Caucasian Heights and Newburgh Heights, where -- as I like to say -- "All of them" is the answer to "How many police does it take to pull over a minority?"  Course, all of these communities are populated by Hope and Changers who tacitly --if not actively -- full agree with said police policies, even if they serve no real purpose and drag people further into debt for pseudo-crimes.

Speaking of worthless government agencies that serve no real purpose...

In the meantime, today was the TFG cookout, where I supplied a dish a meaty beans and carried the grill to and from the rental place.  Not too bad of work but enough that I did not do enough of my own work, so I left early and caught up...and will have to slog away the rest of the week.  It was good to eat like a pig and such, but I do wonder if maybe this is carried to excess...that and I kept being interrupted by people and their queries...I think I had a dozen, which is excessive.  I hope this will not continue, but I think we all realize that it will....


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