Tuesday, August 26, 2014



I almost feel badly...ok, I don't; some of this is political, of course, but a lot of it is that the newspaper industry, like many others...has failed to adapt...oh well.


I am shocked, shocked, to discover this.  Those who rob Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul, until you run out of Peters to pay for this.

In the meantime, Point Counter Point is going slowly, but...I rather like the writing style; artful and elegant, in that British way (several great passages about poverty and privacy, quite good) and because the plot is somewhat intricate, so one has to pay attention.

I have switched to celery from carrots in the veggie snacks category; I know it is healthy, but I really do not like the aftertaste, so I may have to find a new green veggie that I can enjoy.  Canned vegetables were on sale at my local grocery, so I invested in several of those; I realize they are not quite as healthy as the fresh, but I watch my sodium elsewhere, so I think I am ok...laying off the extra carbs is key.  I hate to say it, but I do like being 10 pounds thinner.  Ok, I really do not hate it.


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