Sunday, August 03, 2014


I think this is an excellent idea, and given the UCC's interest in it, I think they should simply allow themselves to be subject to property taxes -- on all their holdings -- to pay for this.  I bet they will gladly pay their fair share to achieve this perfection. 

In other news, the Tribe won a game today they had no business winning...good.  I went to last nite's game/deification of Jim Thome.  I don't know; he is a HOFer, prolly clean, a core of the good teams of the I don't have a problem with it; but you could say the same about Belle/Lofton/Vizquel/Ramirez, too; to a lesser extent, Alomar, though he was always hurt.  And, those guys left and sometimes came back.  I mean, I think we are in the age of when few players stick around one place for a career; Jeter and Larkin and Borque are the exceptions, not the rule. Hell, look at the jizz bomb this city dropped over Lebron.  So I guess I am glad they did it, but not terribly convinced.

Went to the Polish Fest at St. Casimir's today with Mom...she was on the warpath that it would be unsafe and no fun, and well...she had a good time, as it was her type of food and music (the band went on break, else we would have stayed longer).  The food was good, not great, but you did get a lot of it for the money, which leads to wondering how they made any profit.  The church is nice; the altar is very pretty, while the rest of the church is more muted...sort of a cross between St. Stan's and St. John Cantius.  It is a shame it closed and had to battle to reopen....but a quick look at the bulletin indicated the place loses money every time it opens its doors...and that, of course, is not sustainable.


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