Saturday, August 16, 2014


I have to admit, I was surprised to discover the Internet blowing up about the ND cheating scandal; I mean, it is a big deal, but it seems to have garnered much less interest than what is going on at UNC, which is far more severe, egregious...and unpunished.

I decided to start Nevins' Ordeal of the Union series and am slowly going through volume one, and all I can say is that it is encyclopedic, which I thus feel to be awesome beyond belief.  I read The Sun Also Rises on one of the plane rides...I like how Hemingway writes, but not what he writes, if you can get that.  Yes, progress on the fiction front -- and I have been reading more in general. 

I had a couple of dates with a prospect, thought things were going well, but last night we went out, and I am not sure how, but I think it is over.  I as always had high hopes, so it is...roll up the map of Europe.  I do realize, of course, that this is typical woman behavior here -- punish for some unknown transgression, don't let me know what I did wrong, silent treatment and prissiness -- but it still sucks.  The boys in the Fun Run bunch -- I asked for one this AM -- noted that EVERY women pulls this and that -- to a man -- I should be pretty fucking pleased I am not married to one and have to deal with it every fucking day (I am paraphrasing here, if you can tell).  I get what they are saying, still fucking hurts.


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