Sunday, August 24, 2014


As always, it is late at night and I cannot sleep.... If there is one thing I did do this is that I watched films.  Indeed, three of them, all on the National Registry of Historic Films. First was "MASH," courtesy of Netflix; second was "The Day the Earth Stood Still;" and third was Harold Lloyd's "The Freshman," courtesy of the CIA.  I liked them all -- they had their moments -- and I guess it is good to do some carnage to the film list.  I also polished off Volume 1 of the Nevins series...allowing me to return to the fiction list with Huxley's Point Counter Point.  It is 450 pages of four-point font, so this is going to take a while.  Twenty pages in and reserving judgment.

I am glad the Tribe has an off day tomorrow; the pen needs it, especially the top relievers.  I know we are playing close games, but my word...Francona is either trying to kill his relievers or the front office has some sabremetric insight.  Thank God Hagadone has joined the good side of the pen, otherwise Terry would be using four relievers. I guess this is me, but you'd think he'd just let Tomlin pitch a game through (or Crockett) just to save some arms.

I would also like to note the Jose Ramirez has shown more range now than Cabrera has ever done...I am glad he is hitting now, as it helps, but he is quite slick with the glove.


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