Saturday, August 30, 2014


Yes, I was bemused by this...we were talking about the $15/hr minimum wage fast food workers a few days ago at work....I pointed out that if they kept it up, I suspected that the industry would shift to a Sheetz model, where you got rid of the counter people and many of the other staff, and simply concentrated on food production; sort of like how unions forced manufacturers to automate/move...  I mean, a machine can cost less in the long run and offers more productivity.  To be sure, Sheetz offers good food and has a passionate fan base; I am not sure that ALL of these places have the same; White Castle, perhaps, and maybe there are groupies of the others, but fast food is sort of a replaceable good with a lot of potential I think that that is where you will see it going if these efforts continue.

I note that my cable provider will not be carrying the OSU game, which is a shame, given I sort of like watching the option attack.  Alas, alack.  Appalachian State beating Michigan prolly wouldn't have the same cachet this time around, but...I doubt a lot of people around here would squawk.


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