Friday, September 23, 2016


So, yesterday was Jug Day...a good but tiring time had by all, more or less...I broke even exactly for the day, which is good.  I did notice that Delaware County didn't quite have the concentration of Trump signs compared to Romney, but the Jug-goers...are more Trumpian, if you will.

This amused the hell out of me, in all honesty...

I think Quinn is right -- he has a right to say it -- but people have a right to get pissed, and considering their drop in circulation, well, they can't afford to have that, can they?  Hoynes is well...well, there is a better way to say what he is saying, especially as it is on everyone's mind, and rightfully so.  The bullpen is good, and the offense is, well, underrated...but missing two starters (your number two, to boot) is an awfully tough hill to climb.  Clevinger pitched ok yesterday; at least he went five, and while I liked that he worked into and out of trouble, in October...well, those runners will not remain stranded.

I've noticed that the bathroom has become a bug area...not sure, though I suspect the windows are the culprit (or the spot by the register).  Ants and flying things...annoying because I get them once a year, and now twice...I assume it is global warming (ha) but in the meantime I will spend some time today cleaning and spraying...


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