Saturday, January 21, 2017

Sweating it out

OC duty today,,,oddly enough, it was the busiest week of the month, though it didn't seem it -- no big AM rush, 20 at most at the outset, but a steady stream all day, and it was...blessedly good.  The only issue was one of the volunteers was helpful in a non-helpful way...we were trying to shift stock around (get rid of older, clean out freezers) and of course we had done it differently before, yadda yadda..oi.  Afterwards, the other co-manager joked about it with me...alas.  We did empty and defrost one freezer and did move all the produce...

Killed myself at the gym today; I am coughing less, but enough, and I have sniffles out the wazoo.  Leg day after the OC is NEVER a good idea, and I was only operating at 85 percent due to the cold.  Alas.  The worse was the post-lift treadmill session; I went over 20 minutes because, as mentioned on Facebook, the treadmill guys were going to town on this...all men; most of them, I suspect were younger than I am (all of them, old or young, could kick my ass; that said, it's nice to be at the gym, where you can at least hear sensible talk every so often).  While there were the usual comments about them all being fat lesbians (the first was true, the second, prolly not, demographically speaking), there were also two other points.

One was "If they had worked as hard at electing Hillary as they did in marching..."  Now, I don't know if that is true here, but in the big three states in the Midwest...the margin was such that yes, they could have won had they had enough numbers.  Why they didn't, I don't know...I suspect overconfidence across the board.  The other theme was the "My life isn't better off after eight years, which is why I voted for Trump."  Now, this is in Parma, that bastion of Democratism that went 55/44 for Trump, but...I would like to think this is something women could see but chose not to.  Maybe this isn't true; I mean, if the exit polls are correct and that half of all white women for Trump, it would have been in Parma -- where working class women, I presume, would be doing even worse than the menfolk.  So yes, "what the hell do you have to lose?" would have applied.  But I just wonder what kind of world the other half of women live in; not such things as abortion and contraception and such aren't important to them; they are.  But if they just missed the rest, sort of the bubble on the SNL skit...

All of the essays are pretty good, especially as I think we all know how much I love the county stuff.  I say it again...if it was really Conway who had the notion to go hard in the rural areas -- where NO ONE ever went before -- and have the Donald run his show there, warts and all -- she should be lauded by women everywhere for seeing what few, if any, saw...again, I suspect they chose this strategy because it might have seem to be the only viable one, but having done it...they didn't half-ass it, and that was the margin of victory.


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