Saturday, March 18, 2017


Well, Nova is out...sort of had a feeling about that, put Wisconsin as the victor in a couple of them..I can imagine the Selection Committee gave them plenty of bulletin board material.  I wonder if, at any point, they  Like, someone tells them, next year, pull some different shit?  They should...

Quiet day at the OC today; the Internet worked, small crowd, good volunteers...pleased.  We didn't move the volume of product we wanted, but got rid of some high-importance crap, which is always nice.  Rah.  Went to the gym HARD today, always a good thing, too.  Need to do it more...

Finished off the book about the Enlightenment/segregation book today and moved on to something about WWI trench warfare (any sentiments to my own life purely coincidental, let me tell you). Rah.  I should technically go out tonight, but with multiple party invites on the line and a general sense of fatigue from watching hoops all nite for the last two days...I'm not.  Alas.


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