Thursday, March 02, 2017


I turned in the big work project today; now, if I can survive the next steps, things might improve.  IF.  Alas.

In the meantime...I thought the SOTU was pretty solid; not a lot of details, of course, but...well, whatever they gave the man, it worked.  And today it came crashing down with the Russia thing.  My own sneaking suspicion is that nothing untoward was said, but, of course, NOT mentioning or remembering it...well, the coverup is ALWAYS worse than the crime.  Unless some other cool idea is planned and the Donald wants to erase it, but, somehow, I doubt it.  Oi.

One other thing of amusement...could be me, but none of my Democratic friends watched it.  I mean, I know they don't like the guy, but...I managed to watch all 8 of the last guy's and didn't seem to have any ill effects.  As the Fun Run bunch would say, "Petty douchebaggery" at its finest.  Of course, we've now taken having last week's last-placer wear a pussy hat...
Largely true.

I crossed another one off the film yesterday -- "Manhattan."  It is a Woody Allen flick, with him and a a bunch of other stars.  I admit, the man has some funny moments and lines, but 90 minutes of the schtick...oi, oi, oi.


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