Saturday, January 28, 2017

Stopping and Going

Duke is sucking (against Wake Forest, to boot!).  I am sick, better but not good...I was supposed to go and meet some people  last night, but with the cold, the cold sore, and the general weather, and the fact I didn't leave work until six, I figured discretion was the better part of valor.  I suspect it was the better choice -- eight hours of sleep, proper food and vitamins, prolly better for the body.  Alas.

OC duty today...not too bad, no pain in the ass clients, slower day, smaller crowd...didn't empty out one of the freezers like I promised, but on the bright side, I don't have to be there NEXT week.

Trump's big announcement...well, this could be, but this was a campaign promise, and, like a lot of people, I think in the ones and twos of things, it is sad...or can be.  But as a whole...I am not sure it's all that awful, and I suspect a lot of people feel the same way.  Like it or not, Obama let a lot of people in here, and while they prolly mean no harm...well, the Pulse shooter was assimilated, too.


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