Sunday, January 22, 2017

A slow death

Operation Death to Mattie continued today...I managed to survive Mass, but by 9:30 it was...chills, lots of them -- I put the heat up to Monica temperatures in the car on the way to the gym.  I only worked out with about 80 percent efficiency at the gym, then to Mom's where I couldn't start coughing.  I think it was food that did it, because I had another fit after dinner.  I've taken two, brief naps/twilight sleeps today for about an hour, will go to bed soon, too.  I have actually coughed less as the day has went on, and the temperature is all over the place  Drinking a LOT of water to be safe.  I am still leaning against the MD, as if this IS a cold, there is nothing they can give me, and with the vagaries of the new plan -- deductible doubled, thanks Obamacare! -- I don't want to start until I have to.

On TCM today they aired "A Place in the Sun," the adaptation of the Drieser novel with Clift and Taylor.  Pretty good, even if he was the world's worst criminal.  Never read the book, so I cannot judge how it is different...up to 521, rah.  I had planned on watching some other stuff, but between the not really sleeping and the feeling shit, I passed.  Alas.

Was looking at the schedule of things to do this prospect of a big vacation, I think, but I do see a few extended weekends, not necessarily a bad thing...I am beginning to like getting away from it all, even for a few days...just because.


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