Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Machinations of Improvement

The health front is better, nominally so...my coughing is a bit less, and the outbreaks are less intense (but not yet gone).  Sniffles and such continuing.  I feel things breaking up, but I also note that I am clogged.  No gym, alas.


I found this to be an interesting view of why people backed Trump...because I think it was the rationale of a lot of voters as well..  I guess, and this just Matt talking, that in some ways, you want to take a chance with the change agents, because, well, when the future looks remarkably like the past -- and not all that rosy -- Plan B isn't that bad; as I like to say at work, why do you think men hang out at bars until last call?

Snicker, snicker, snicker.

This could be me, but I am a little surprised that the Tribe isn't going out there and signing a second lefty for next year.  I mean, it could be they have faith that Kyle Crockett can fill the role; he had a good strand rate last year, and while his stuff isn't wow-ish, one would think he could be suitable LOOGY; on the other hand, it doesn't seem like they have all that much confidence in him.  I know the payroll is maxed out, but at this rate, 1/$1 could be had for someone, I suspect.  It could also be that Francona figures he has enough good relievers, and, well, letting guys fight for the back-end jobs is good enough.  There is some track record here -- Manship and Otero worked wonderfully, and they got a good month or so out of Joba, FWIW.  I guess the idea of hanging out til 3 AM can fly here, too.


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