Wednesday, January 25, 2017


My boss noted my cold was breaking up, which is schnozz is a maze of sniffles, but I am less lethargic.  That said, early to bed tonight!  Sadly, I was at work until PAST six...didn't even turn the phone on, trying to turn shit in, deal with other stuff, revise my work and someone else's...oi.  It was not exactly a good day for morale.

I think there is something to this.  For one, labor force participation is low, and I suspect it is lower in Trump Country, where people do want to work.  Two, economic growth/red state growth, if it going to accelerate, will have to come from those places that are lagging behind, so if more people are working and looking for work around there...that would be a  sign the economy is picking up.  This, I think, is where the infrastructure stimulus plan will come in...if and when it does.

Crossed another film off the list yesterday, "Multiple Sidosis."  It was cute -- basically, an amateur filmmaker playing the same song on a variety of instruments, with 1970 film technology...mind you, each instrument was a different film, put together, so incredibly technically complex.  Pretty cool, when you think about.


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