Saturday, March 11, 2017

Links, part two

OC duty was funny; I told everyone I wanted a smooth day, as I had trouble sleeping last nite...and of course, the Internet went down.  We bought a new hot spot, but the battery pack was broken/not charging, and there we were...had to switch to Mac phones to power the laptops.  Oi.  In the meantime, let's go over some more links...

I agree with this, to an extent, but the fact of the matter is that if something is NOT done to boost the economic prospects of the areas "left behind," if you will, the stuff that caused Trump will continue, and I suspect the local libtard doesn't want that.  More seriously, to me, is the idea that we should resuscitate, namely, many of these industries are essential industries (as Adam Smith would say) and thus merit protection...

This could be me, but if you promise people a bill of goods, and what is delivered isn't what was promised, and is hell of a lot worse than what you had before, and you have to pull full freight on it...well, resentment should be the least of worries of the people who caused it, right?
This is a state that elected a Kennedy, for Christ's sake!


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