Monday, March 06, 2017


Took a vacation day from work...scheduled a couple of MD appointments.  Glad I did, not that I achieved all that much, or slept in, but it was good to veg and chill a bit.  Rah.

On the hand, like most people, I think that the wiretap story is BS; on the other...

So, yes, there is some part of me/any conservative that says "Gee, I wouldn't put it past them."  And, considering the general level of dishonesty (not quite Trumpian) we've had over the past eight years, well, I wouldn't necessarily discount it, either.  Of course, that is not the same as "It's true."

The new book I am on is Guyatt's Bind Us Apart, which concerns the role of Enlightenment thinking led to many of the theories and beliefs that supported racial segregation in this country.  I am not that far in, but it is interesting, and, dare I say, we are still using them in different ways today...

Sad news about Robert Osborne; I've spent many a fine couple of hours watching stuff on TCM, and he was a movie encyclopedia...I hope they continue to run the intros and bios he did for the films, because you really learn all sorts of stuff about them...nowadays, you have commentary and interviews and such on the DVD and a 100 shows, but not even fifty years ago, it didn't exist, and the work he did to get stars to talk...priceless.


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