Sunday, March 05, 2017


You know, for all the vim and vigor of yesterday, today was less so...I didn't sleep all that well, despite getting to bed at 11, and the gym workout was less than ideal.  My gastrointestinal system feels as if it is at war.  I can sense a little sleepiness.  Ugh.  Ideally, tonight will be more fitful...

I finished the military strategy book I was reading and am now on Rod Dreher's The Little Way of Ruthie Leming.  Truth be told, not quite my cup of tea, but it was recommended in National Review, and it does have its moments, though I am not one for solemn recollection, as you can imagine.  Actually, I told a friend today that everything has just been meh for a while now...job meh, health meh, depressingly single (not that depressingly per the Fun Run Bunch)...not sure what it is, but I think I need some sort of seismic shock to my system...


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