Thursday, March 09, 2017


Fueled by a second-place finish in PQ last nite, a Kansas upset, and the fact that I have a pile of links to discuss...let's get to work.
I actually think this is a fine idea; I mean, for years, people of the left have been saying we need more diversity and such, like it or not, and, you go.  I mean, if we can gerrymander congressional districts on this basis, why not force universities to hire faculty that, oh, I don't know, match the voting patterns of the state in which they are located?  Brilliant, I tell you!

I think there is something to this; I mean, if we really wanted to control healthcare costs, we would charge people MORE for having diseases/conditions that cost more (I have a condition, it costs more, and mind you, I did nothing to merit this.), especially as many of these conditions are preventable.  Smoke too much, drink too much, eat too  It would be market friendly and bipartisan in its antagonisms, so what is there NOT to like?

I got a kick out of this, because, of course, any system with such a setup is bound to have this happen; Social Security, for instance.  Of course, the ideal system would be to have everyone responsible for their OWN retirement, such as by a 401k or an could craft your own retirement and savings strategeries; of course, the muckups would want to blame someone for NOT saving for them, which is why it will NEVER fly...


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