Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lazy Saturday, for Once

So, went to the ballgame with some coworkers...I know they lost, but it is exactly the type of game I enjoy, a close, tight pitching duel.  Tomlin actually pitched pretty well; I know the Twins offense is not the top-tier one, which explains it, but it was good to see him not sucking.  For now, at least.

My left knee is sore, still, and I am still limping a mouth is better, still a bit tender here and there.  I've discovered I also cut myself on my elbow, too...most amusingly.  I've been sleeping on the other side of the bed now, not that there is some reason for it...
Not sure I need this, but I sort of want it...

This could be me, but couldn't someone bill those responsible for this?  I mean, someone should say "Look stupid, you caused this, so in this fix it?"  I don't know; I remember reading one of those articles about the ACA and the person was of the opinion that he liked extreme sports, but he shouldn't have to pay more because his snow-boarding could mean he was more likely to crack a leg...and I was like, yes, it does...


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