Thursday, May 25, 2017

Speed kills

Thrilling yesterday, watching the Tribe piss away a game; the worst of it of course being Brantley losing the ball; I know he is not the best out there, can't let that happen.  Oi.

In the meantime, watched two more films, bringing the list to 551.  The most recent was "Sex Life of a Polyp," which was one of the first talkies ever made.  An added plus (the short was just ok) is that I was able to see what Robert Benchley looked like and acted...forgotten now, he was once a big name in his day...

Whoa, whoa here...this could be me, but don't you have a responsibility to solve this issue before it becomes too late, if you will? I mean, especially if we are now in the age where everyone is paying for everyone else's health, maybe we just need to say.... well, that's too fucking bad...

One minor issue lately -- I keep waking up a half-hour earlier than planned.  I've been slowly dragging in the sleep department, so this is the cause...the prospect of a long weekend offers a solution, thank God...


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