Sunday, May 21, 2017


So, as my FB readers know, I watched "Slackers" this afternoon (549!).  Meh.  Very meh.  I can see how the style would appeal to some, but to me it was pretty stupid.  I just didn't get a feel for it at all.  Alas, alack.

Not sure what exactly caused it this weekend -- cold, the French dip and curly fries from Arby's, something else, but much of the weekend has been spent with an Aladdin's style of stomach issues, if you get my drift.  Ugh.  I did get to bed early both nites, but woke up half an hour earlier, which seemed to defeat the purpose.  I also noted that the gym was...well, I am not 100% efficiency, if you get my drift, but I think it is good to get the work in.

I was a little amused by some of the talk of the right-wing blogosphere, how they are trying to put a coup on President Trump.  I am not sure that they are wrong, but 1) He is making it easy for them and 2) It's not like the GOP has anything to lose by this; I mean, with the exception of Gorsuch, he really hasn't offered them much -- the budget was a disaster, the AHCA so as well.  So the GOPers really aren't exactly attached to a particular ditch to die in...


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