Monday, August 28, 2017

Catching up...

Long week..and a longer one to come.  The weekend was odd; I had OC duty and I did a bunch of errands Friday, but the rest of the time, I just chilled and caught up on some projects.  Rah.

The Tribe has been impressive; I mean, for all I do not like about Francona, his teams do play well down the stretch.  The pitching has been outstanding, obviously...  I think this is what we expected; well, Clevinger has been a nice touch, honestly.  Tomlin will be back soon, and I wonder if there will be room for him.  Course, they added Breslow, of all people, so there is room on the roster.  I mean, I guess it would be nice to have a lefty so they don't run Olson into the ground, is Tyler Olson, and I wonder if there isn't anyone else out there...

I all Civil Wars, they are...destructive and costly.  On the other hand, Trump has attracted a certain type of voter who, well, never was into politics before, and we all know about the fervency of new converts.  Part of the problem is that much of the GOP is populated with Cassandra-types, and no one likes to hear bad news, true or not...

I think this is largely correct, and validates Bannon's view that if the Dems want to talk about racism/transgender/etc., he will let them...  and especially as our voters are concentrated in places where their votes matter...


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