Monday, October 02, 2017


Figured I should try and blog and post more, so here we go...

God I hope so, as I don't know how much longer I have to live.  :)  More seriously, I am just...worried.  I can see them shitting the bed early again, much like in 1996.  Last year, with the injuries, I think I sold the team short; now, all I can do is look ahead and see flash spots.

Went to bed early-ish, got seven hours of sleep...and you'd never tell.  Ok, it was good to get the rest, but I was sluggish all day, and the prospect of a intense Fun Run didn't help, though it was good; tomorrow, when I wake up and need 56 Advil, it will be a different story.'

Finished Dereliction yesterday and moved on to something slightly lighter, Knuckler, written by Tim Wakefield -- a personal hero -- and a ghostwriter. thing I was amused by was the joy with which Grady Little was proclaimed by the clubhouse as manager after Joe Kerrigan went his course..  The other writer was great length to mention that Little didn't have anyone else to use that year in the postseason, which may have been true, but seems -- then and now -- trainwrecky; I mean, sometimes, you have to make a move to make a move, and even if every reliever pitched to one batter...  I just think it was a move that everyone else knew was wrong at the time (like not using Britton last year for Showalter) and nothing is really to going to remove the stain...


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