Friday, October 06, 2017


Well, that was exciting...  for all of the dread I had over The Decision 3.0, it worked -- the plan, in so far as it was "throw Judge and Sanchez curveballs," worked, and Bauer -- who can have a good one at times -- had it and, honestly, showed decent pitch selection all night.  Jay Bruce became a hero, and all is well.  As for me, I am still not a fan of the roster...  for one, Brantley is a PH who can be in for five ABs at most, and even if he is, there is a good chance they will bring in a LHP, which neutralizes him. Also not sure about the back end of the bullpen...  but, the non-catastrophe in game one assuages some concerns.  For now.

The Tim Murphy thing...well, as always, I am shocked, shocked that a son of Erin cannot keep it in his pants...  The Harvey Weinstein thing amuses the hell out of me, given that, well, all of my progressive friends who are appalled by the President...something tells me they are not going to stop hitting the films.  I wonder what people like, oh, Michelle Obama (who sent her daughter to work with him) will say about this...oh wait, that would involve a reported asking her.  Ha!  Speaking of, I was a little surprised this got by the editorial desk:

Whoa, whoa...I mean, if you can't figure it out... First of all, I think the analogy of Cyrus the Great is most apt, and being, of course, Hope and Changers, they completely missed it...go ahead and read, my fellow blog readers.  Anyways, the other reason is, of course, they knew what they got from BHO and a pretty good idea of what HRC would bring...  much like my comment about why do men hang out in bars at 3 AM, well...sometimes, different is good.

Interesting, but.... at no point in the article did I see the part about who pays for all of this...


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