Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Moderate interest across the board

Up to 595 on the film list; watched two  more full-length films.  One was "The Wedding March," a von Strotheim silent from 1927, and the other was "War of the Worlds." The first was ok; not sure it is quite as good as the critics said, but you could clearly feel the paean lost world in the film (the musical accompaniment was the Kaiserhymme, of all things), which I did like (of course).  The second was sort of cool, aside from the cheesy 50s plot twists; the special effects were quite neat. 

Started cleaning the house for Xmas today; dusted the basement, swept, that sort of thing. Not that it that was all that messy, not that I expect a lot of people down there, but... I figured now was as good a time as any to start, and some low-leverage stuff could be first.  I still need to figure other important Christmas-hosting details, like what to feed people...

Looks like weather and snow are finally upon us... rah. 

I am amused by all of the FBI investigation brouhaha; I don't really think there is all that much to it -- aside from more than general suspicion -- but I am a little troubled by the fact that given all of the GOP paranoia about this, no one seemed to think that this may surface and call the whole thing into question.  The House GOP is miffed, Mueller (it appears) is going to turn everything over, and the people who want to believe the worst -- on either end -- will do so, and nothing is going to turn out very well.


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