Thursday, November 23, 2017

It's A Wonderful Film

Turkey Day has came and almost went; as always, ate too much, had quality family time, and didn't have any fights, so it was a good day (also, Duke won, which helps).
The title says it all, amusingly.

Am up to 588 on the Movie List; I viewed "A Time Out of War," a short, a few days ago -- it was ok -- and Tuesday I violated a personal pledge to watch... "It's A Wonderful Life," which I had sworn never to see.   I was hanging out with some friends/coworkers, they couldn't believe it, and we watched...

While it wasn't the worst movie I've seen...well, for all of the hullabaloo about it...well, it was a little maudlin/cheesy/gay/saccharine.  Ok, a lot.  I realize it's a holiday movie, but...two hours of it was a little much.  It also took a while to develop, and, like a lot of Capra films, the deux ex machina ending was...forced.  Like many films I've seen, I expected... more.  Alas.  But... it also wasn't awful, I did get a kick out of some parts, and for people who are somewhat less hard-hearted than myself (94% of the population, conservatively estimated).. I can see how they would like it, of course.


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