Monday, November 06, 2017


After all the blogging progress... well, here we are.  Work has been and will be going swimmingly, if you get my drift.  Pub Quiz was third...

Also...went to Dayton Thursday nite; my college roomie's mother died, and you know my policy there... so there I was, giving support.  One thing I liked about the town; the radio stations were solid, music-wise.  Another interesting thing (if not surprising); we went to BW-3 to hang out post-wake, and, well, during the national anthem...the bar stopped.  Most impressive.  My Mom would have loved it.  Also....BW-3 has gotten pricey; I mean, it used to be cheap to eat there, and now... well, not so much.

This could be me, but it really shouldn't vex the lawyers....if you look at it from a market perspective.  Quite frankly, if a business announces such a policy, and survives...more power to them (or the reverse).  My own theory is that most bakeries and such would make it, as there are a lot of Christians in the US, to say nothing of GOPers like me who would go to Jesus cakes just to piss off the village liberals... and the mere existence of said bakery would piss off the village liberal.  It would be a win-win situation -- they have their outrage, I get my cookies -- but no one quite sees it that way, do they now?


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