Saturday, October 14, 2017


I have to admit, going to bed -- more like crashing -- at 10:30 at waking at 8 has a number of advantages, such as...well, being fairly well rested and doing one hell of a solid afternoon workout.   I should do it again today, but probably won't.

Whoa...what?  Well, I think, actually, it would have played a big role in reducing this...for one thing, a one-on-one meeting has all sorts of opportunities for bad behavior, but a meeting with several people...well, aside from a certain genre of films, implies...a sort of professionalism.  The other point, which is certainly lost on a writer for vox, is that Mike Pence really has no intent to cheat on his wife, but a certain bundler for Hope and Change...  And, let's not forget, as a feminist, I am appalled that women would be offended by a man who chooses to honor his wife in such a manner.

This amused the fuck out of me, because 1) I find it hard to believe that in twenty years gay marriage and health care is a right can evolve into policy, but that if a GOP plank evolves into policy, well, it's somewhat wrong and illegitimate.  Also...  One reason, I suspect, that a certain group didn't mind having a gun around is because crime was a lot higher and the courts seemed incapable of stopping it --look at the success of such films as "Death Wish" and "Dirty Harry."  Once society breaks down -- in a way -- people start taking matters into their own hand.  Now of course, with gun ownership and crime at all-time lows (I am sure it is just coincidence), well, people are accustomed to this.  I mean, if health care, once given, is something that cannot be taken away, I find it hard to believe that something that is actually in the freaking Constitution can be dispensed with so cavalierly.


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