Saturday, November 18, 2017

Back to the white water...

So, it's been a long week, with work going swimmingly,;s been a while.  OC duty this month -- the last two weeks we were incredibly busy, not quite records but close, and while it was good to get rid of things, like the winter blankets, and most of the produce, it was still sort of a zoo... so I am not sad to see duty come to an end.

These stories amused the hell out of me, of course... I mean, it is a little late, you know, especially for those of us who mentioned this before... More to the point, I think that the response of the left to this issue 20 years ago has really lived on to this day....

1)  The idea of "He is a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch" quickly became legitimized (at least moreso; I am not sure it was ever NOT a principle), but it now became a standard defense...such as Roy Moore. At the very least, it removed the "principled objection" rider that party members could use.

2)  The fact that it was feminists who were defending a rapist and a sexual harasser and rode him into the last ditch...not that men really trusted them in the first place, but for a lot of people, this was a bit much... so I think for a lot of people, the idea that feminism was a real and important thing...well, it is, but not as that espoused by feminists.  

3)  There is also three, which is the class thing... I told my coworkers that Democrats want to be the party of "Friends" (and "Will and Grace,"), but the problem with that is then the people who are "Roseanne" and are already somewhat alienated from the party....    well, they are now going to more likely to vote for GOPers for cultural reasons, etc...    this is fine, but as we learned in 2016, more of them are located in the swing states, where they weren't, you know, wasted...

This also amused me, as, well, after a while, if you keep attacking people and their beliefs (and I think this is happening, even if not by intent), well... people will reasonably conclude they ARE hostile to you and ignore you and attack you back.  Alas... not.


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