Monday, November 27, 2017


So, I watched "Musketeers of Pig Alley" tonight -- D.W. Griffith short, fairly interesting... I thought it was #589, but I counted the films I have not seen...and came up with 103, which means I have seen 597... hmm..  I think I will reprint the list when the next round of 25 comes up and re-audit the whole thing...  It would be funny as hell if I tried to push through to 600 and surpassed it by mistake...

Am reading this right now; quite interesting (Duke just won its first national title); lots of famous names, lots of interesting stories, and, well, I do sort of like sports history; not sure why.  Funny; a friend of mine came over this weekend; he is half-Jewish, and sure enough, he saw the pile of WWII books on the shelves and the library offerings about Nazi Empire-Building...well, he knows me well enough to not offer me up for fawning NYT profile, but it is close.

I get a kick out of these articles, because, well, if your economy is sooo dependent on these revenues in the first place, it would seem to me that yes, you would be susceptible to...shock, if you will, if people moved away.  Call me crazy, but some diversification, if you will, might be wise.

Getting a kick out of the Schiano thing; as I suggested (as did others!), the KSU job would be ideal for him -- smaller school, desperate for a winner, and he could rebuild his...well, reputation?  I don't know; he did make Rutgers decent (decent enough?) for a while (5-1 in bowl games); I would think the KSU people would kill for that.  I think the main issue is that he hasn't really erased his bad rep from Rutgers and Tampa Bay in being a jackass... to say nothing of the fact that at times the OSU offense has not exactly looked stellar...  If I was agent, I would have told him to pipe down for a couple of years and wait for something that might not have been better, but would have been...well, easier to manage...


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