Friday, January 12, 2018

Smooth sailing

Have to admit, for all the talk of snow and ice and traffic wasn't that awful.  It was slow, but, for me, the ride home was...steady.  The worst was that my side windows weren't exactly clean due to the ice, but I was able to maneuver around that issue by only changing lanes once on the way home....  I am tempted to NOT leave the house tomorrow, but of course one does need to hit the gym and all.

Watched "Lost Horizon" tonight -- up to 612.  Didn't know it was a Capra film, and while it did have the happy ending, it didn't seem forced... in the novel, I guess the ending was roughly the same, so... I liked the film, but, like the last one, I am not quite sure why it made the list...

I am not sure about this; for one thing, as a feminist, I am appalled by the suggestion that women aren't tough enough to take the criticism.  :) For another... I realize the Fun Run Bunch is a bunch of deplorables, but we fat shame each other all the time, and, well, shame is a motivator to keep it up.  I would argue it is like AA; for some people, it is exactly what they need; for others, not much help; and another set, one of many tools used to treat the illness.

I think this is largely correct, though, let's face it, the President shouldn't be calling ALL countries a shithole, save for maybe, North Korea.  But it is still funny as hell.


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