Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Made a comment to one of my friends that Rutgers (and MD) must really love that $50 million right now... ok, I mean, I know they signed up for the media deal (the Big Ten) and the schools got the cash, and the media deal is important, but... I'm not really sure they gained anything aside from that.  In women's basketball, yes, we get good programs, but... well, it doesn't pay the bills.  Football, not so good.  Hoops?  MD is ok; once was better, Rutgers, not so much...especially now at Tourney time this is an issue with teams trying to get in, and playing the two above schools...not so much.

I sort of agree with this; not that I didn't think that the Donald wasn't trying to pull crap, just that... the level of sophistication that the plan would have required is simply far above anything the man can try to accomplish for the 12 seconds he can remain on task.


This also amused me; I mean, for all the talk of Trump and the Russians...let's not forget Obama didn't exactly lay the hammer town, even after all the extra time he had after his re-election, ahem.


Did he?  I mean, I suspect Trump and the GOP electorate are closer together more than say, the average politico/talking head is.

In other news, I was amused by Kevin Ware saying they couldn't take his ring away...now, maybe he deserves it more than most, but if they can haul down the banner... I mean, of all organizations, I would think the NCAA would be the one to have a group of secret police confiscating outlaw bling....


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